Husker Sew Vac is a leading provider of sewing machines and accessories in Lincoln, NE. We are a small, local, family-owned business that has been open for decades. When you come into our shop, you will find top-quality machines as well as knowledgeable staff members that can help you find the perfect item for your unique needs and budget. If you are considering buying a sewing machine but want to use it for quilting, you might want to consider a quilting machine instead. Learn more about these machines below.
Many people come into our store and are confused by the difference between sewing machines and quilting machines. This common question stems from the fact that both items are essentially the same type of machine with some minor but notable differences.
The main, most obvious change is the workspace. Quilting machines are wider so that they can reasonably accommodate a large item like a quilt. If you are a sewer who often works with bulkier items, a quilting machine could be the perfect solution for you.
1309 N 48th St
Lincoln, NE 68504-3183